Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Writing Assessment and Little League

Writing Assessment

January 21, 2009 - 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Writing Assessment

The 8th Grade Writing Assessment is a state mandated standardized test. The Clarke County School District also administers a similar type of writing assessment to sixth and seventh grade students on the same day.

The writing assessments will be given the morning of January 21, 2009 so please make sure students arrive on time that morning.

Little League

Below there is a link to a flyer with information about baseball signups for Athens International Little League. This flyer was supposed to have been sent to homes on the eastside last week; however, because of a mix up at mailing services, the flyers were sent to the westside of town. We hope to still get them mailed, but we weren’t sure if they would get to homes in time for this weekend’s signups. Please look the flyer over and sign your child up during one of the registration times. Note: the flyer mentions that boys will be drafted after tryouts, but girls’ softball is available for middle school aged kids. If you have any questions, you can email me at Thanks.

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